Nobody ever said it would be easy.....they just said it would be worth it.

Sunday 20 May 2012

To my eating disorder,

You promised me safety and security. Control and promise. Realized dreams and endless possibilities. Plenty of friends and countless boys. Success and happiness. All in all the 'American dream'.

You lied.

Instead you stole the past 10 years of my life. You gave me weak hair and brittle nails. Grey skin and sunken eyes. Aching joints and a feeble immune system. Heart palpitations. Rotten teeth. Debt. You made a fully grown woman cry over a plate of food. You made me question everything I did. You made me doubt myself. Feel like nothing but a failure. Twice, you took my opportunity to graduate with my course-mates.You destroyed countless friendships and relationships. You put my family through so much.


1 comment:

  1. You did an excellent job. We had to do this in the hospital.
